Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003
The entity indicated in the “contacts” section of this website, as part of its activities, provides information regarding the use of the email address provided by the user, in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003, and subsequent amendments, containing provisions for the protection of individuals and other subjects (“Legislative Decree 196/2003”) with respect to the processing of personal data.



Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the following is informed:

The collected data will be processed (as defined by art. 4, 2nd paragraph, letter a of Legislative Decree 196/2003), by storing both paper and automated records in the computer system at the headquarters of the entity managing the website, for purposes related to the activities indicated on the website itself:

  • To send you communications related to the activities of the entity managing the website;
  • To send you commercial communications related to the activities carried out by the entity managing the website through the same;
  • To provide the services or products advertised on the website when their provision or supply or the forwarding of the order requires the use of the email address for which authorization for processing is requested here;
  • The subsequent revocation of consent to processing pursuant to art. 13 first paragraph letter c will result in the inability to receive the products or services advertised on the website or to forward the related order when the email address provided is necessary to complete such operations;
  • Your email address may be communicated exclusively to:
    – Other entities affiliated with or controlled by the entity managing the website;
    – Public or private entities for the fulfillment of obligations provided by law;
    – Your email address may be transferred abroad, subject to consent and within the limits of art. 43 and 44 of Legislative Decree 196/2003.

Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 grants you certain rights in relation to the processing of your personal data, including:

  • The right to know the existence of data processing that may concern you;
  • The right to obtain the updating, rectification, or integration of the data, as well as their deletion, transformation into anonymous form, or their blocking if processed in violation of the law;
  • The right to object to processing for legitimate reasons, in accordance with the purposes indicated above;
  • The right to object to the processing of data for the purpose of informing about the activities of the entity managing the website.

The Data Controller is the entity indicated in the “contacts” section of the website. For any communication, you can write via email to the email addresses indicated in the “contacts” section or, by registered mail, always to the address indicated in the “contacts” section.